
Urban Beatz 2007 at Beaconsfield School: Social Return on Investment Report

A report on the feasibility of conducting a retrospective SROI analysis of a small-scale school-based arts project. The evaluation measured the impact of the project on levels of participation, behaviour and absences, while the SROI used ‘social cost’ data to calculate the monetary benefit to society of its impact. The ... read on →

Author Tania Wickham

Published 2008

Artform Dance

Organisation Thames Valley Partnership

Participant type Male and Female Child School pupils

Access, participation and progression in the arts for young people on Detention and Training Orders

An Arts Council England (ACE) research study to establish benchmarks for access, participation and progression in the arts for young people on DTOs; identify what young people perceive as the critical barriers to their participation and progression in the arts; explore what associated professionals perceive to be the critical barriers ... read on →

Published March 2005

Artform Multi-Arts

Organisation Arts Council England

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