
Library Criteria

This section describes the range of documents in the Evidence Library and the criteria for their inclusion.

The Evidence Library only contains evaluations of arts-based practice across the CJS in the UK that has been independently undertaken by either academic institutions or independent research organisations and individual researchers.

It does not include internal evaluations of projects or of the organisatiions aims, objectives or of reports to funders.
It focuses on evidence from the UK, covering England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, but does inlcude some relevant international research.
The documents mainly cover the period from 2003 to 2012, following on from the Literature Review 'Doing the Arts Justice (2005) that covered the period from 1983 to 2003. The Evidence Library may begin to include some of the key evaluations from that 1983 to 2003 period in the near future as part of an archive section.

The Resources section of the Library contains some key examples of relevant, books, journals, academic articles and conference papers.
Finally, the Library does contain some key examples of current and forthcoming evaluations - see Forthcoming Evaluations on the left hand menu.

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Arts Alliance Evidence Library