
Re-imagining futures: Exploring arts interventions and the process of desistance

Carried out by Northumbria University and Bath Spa University, this report highlights examples of how the arts can support positive changes linked to personal agency, efficacy and identity, which are linked to the highly individualised journey of desistance from criminal behaviour. Key findings show that participation in arts activities enables ... read on →

Authors Charlotte Bilby, Laura Caulfield, Louise Ridley

Published November 2013

Artforms Craft, Creative Writing, Music, Visual Arts

Organisation Arts Alliance

Participant type Male and Female Adult Offenders

Sample size: 30

Summer Arts Colleges 2011: Final Outcomes Report

An independent evaluation of the fifth consecutive year of the Summer Arts College programme (2011)  has shown that the programme continued to meet its objectives of reducing offending, increasing educational engagement and improving basic skills through the arts for young people at risk of (re-)offending. Comparisons across the five years ... read on →

Author Maree Adams (Unitas)

Published March 2012

Artform Multi-Arts

Organisation Arts Council England

Participant type Male and Female Juvenile Offenders

Sample size: 412

Summer Arts College: Outcomes Report 2007-11

This outcomes report and accompanying digest is part of a series of publications summarising the outcomes of the four years of Summer Arts Colleges run between 2007-11. The evaluation has shown that the programme consistently meets its objectives of reducing offending, increasing educational engagement, improving basic skills,achieving a qualification and ... read on →

Authors Greg Brooks, Roger Tarling (Unitas)

Published 2011

Artform Multi-Arts

Organisation Arts Council England

Participant type Male and Female Juvenile Offenders, Male and Female Young Offenders

Impact of Blagg on challenging and reducing offending by young people

This independent evaluation highlights the potentially positive contribution drama based projects can make to the development of group work provision for young people at risk of offending.Blagg had most significant impact on young people’s awareness of the effect of offending on victims, their awareness of thoughts, feelings and decision making ... read on →

Author Jenny Hughes (Centre for Applied Theatre Research, University of Manchester, University of Manchester)


Artform Drama

Organisation Tipp

Participant type Juvenile Offenders

Sample size: 33

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