
Evaluation of Geese Theatre's Reconnect Programme 2008

This study examines the impact of Geese Theatre’s Reconnect programme on the men who attended it. Evaluation objectives: 1. to determine whether improvements would be observed on psychometric tests measuring self-efficacy, motivation to change, and confidence in a range of skills. 2. to determine whether behaviour and engagement within the ... read on →

Authors Anthony Beech, Leigh Harkins, Donna Haskayne, Cecilia Pritchard, Andy Watson (Centre for Forensic and Criminal Psychology, University of Birmingham, Unversity of Brimingham)

Published 2008

Artform Drama

Organisation Geese Theatre

Participant type Male Adult Offenders, Female Adult Offenders

Sample size: 113

Impact of Fathers Inside – an OLSU and Safe Ground Parenting Course for male prisoners at HMP Ashwell

A nine month evaluation of Fathers Inside at HMP Ashwell that includes a range of data from programme documents, comparative literature and research, direct observation of the programme, and from semi-structured interviews with participant prisoners, their partners, child-carers and children. It concludes that Fathers Inside brings about changes in parenting ... read on →

Authors Gwyneth Boswell, Avril Price, Peter Wedge (Community & Criminal Justice Research Unit, De Montfort University, De Montfort University Leicester)

Published June 2004

Artform Drama

Organisation Safe Ground   Project venue Ashwell

Participant type Male Adult Offenders

Sample size: 26

Impact of Blagg on challenging and reducing offending by young people

This independent evaluation highlights the potentially positive contribution drama based projects can make to the development of group work provision for young people at risk of offending.Blagg had most significant impact on young people’s awareness of the effect of offending on victims, their awareness of thoughts, feelings and decision making ... read on →

Author Jenny Hughes (Centre for Applied Theatre Research, University of Manchester, University of Manchester)


Artform Drama

Organisation Tipp

Participant type Juvenile Offenders

Sample size: 33

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