
Impact of theatre-based projects in a Medium Secure Hospital environment

This is an evaluation of a three year project which took place in St Andrews Medium Secure Hospital in Birmingham.  The study will provide a comparison of the impact on the different wards and will include an exploration of the impact on the patients, the staff and the general atmosphere ... read on →

Published 2013

Artform Drama

Organisation Geese Theatre

Review of "Family Man" - an intervention provided by Safe Ground

This review, by the Commissioning Strategies Group (CSG) of NOMS, examines the elements of the programme design and delivery of the Safe Ground 'Family Man' propgramme in relation to CSG standards for effective interventions. It covers:

  • Description of the programme - aims and objectives
  • Evidence base of theoretical orientation, goals ... read on →

    Authors Janet Creighton, Adrian Smith (Commissioning Strategies Group, NOMS)

    Published August 2011

    Artforms Drama, Multi-Arts

    Organisation Safe Ground

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