
The Academy: a report on outcomes for participants

An evaluation of the two-year experimental phase of Dance United’s Academy project, this report showed that the Academy’s dance-led education programme delivered measurable increases in their capacity to learn and imparted a range of so-called ‘soft’ skills, which can, in turn, be linked to very favourable ‘hard’ outcomes in criminal ... read on →

Authors Andrew Miles, Paul Srauss (Centre for Research on Socio-cultural Change, University of Manchester)

Published 2008

Artform Dance

Organisation Dance United   Project venues Askham Grange, Bradford, Leeds, Wetherby

Participant type Male and Female Juvenile Offenders, Female Juvenile Offenders, Male Adult Offenders, Male and Female Child School pupils

Sample size: 64

Access, participation and progression in the arts for young people on Detention and Training Orders

An Arts Council England (ACE) research study to establish benchmarks for access, participation and progression in the arts for young people on DTOs; identify what young people perceive as the critical barriers to their participation and progression in the arts; explore what associated professionals perceive to be the critical barriers ... read on →

Published March 2005

Artform Multi-Arts

Organisation Arts Council England

Impact of Blagg on challenging and reducing offending by young people

This independent evaluation highlights the potentially positive contribution drama based projects can make to the development of group work provision for young people at risk of offending.Blagg had most significant impact on young people’s awareness of the effect of offending on victims, their awareness of thoughts, feelings and decision making ... read on →

Author Jenny Hughes (Centre for Applied Theatre Research, University of Manchester, University of Manchester)


Artform Drama

Organisation Tipp

Participant type Juvenile Offenders

Sample size: 33

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