
Research report: HMP/YOI Winchester Applied Theatre pilot 2018

This report was produced by researchers at University of Winchester (Applied Criminology). It details the findings of an evaluation of a pilot project which was designed and delivered by BearFace Theatre CIC and funded by Hampshire Cultural Trust which was aimed at using a new Applied Theatre intervention to impact ... read on →

Authors Adrian Barton, Alexandra Russell (University of Winchester)

Published September 2018

Artform Theatre

Organisations BearFace Theatre CIC, Hampshire Cultural Trust, HMP/YPI Winchester, University of Winchester   Project venue HMP/YPI Winchester

Participant type Male 21-24 Offenders

Sample size: 10

Sounding Out - Jim Cartwright

The report followed Music in Prisons as they ran a pilot ‘through the gate’ project which, through music, aimed to provide longer-term rehabilitative opportunities to previous project participants in order to help bridge the gap between life inside and out prison. The key aims were to assist reintegration; impact on ... read on →

Published 2013

Artform Music

Participant type Male and Female Adult Ex offenders

Sample size: 7

Musical Learning and Desistance from Crime: The case of a 'Good Vibrations' Javanese Gamelan project with young offenders

This paper discusses new empirical evidence for a positive relationship between musical learning and desistance from crime. On investigating the learning processes occurring within a Javanese gamelan project in a Young Offenders Institution, parallels between musical learning processes and the development of certain attributes linked to desistance from crime emerged.  ... read on →

Author Jennie Henley (Institute of Education, University of London, University of London)

Published February 2012

Artform Music

Organisation Good Vibrations

Participant type Male Young Offenders

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